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Organisations shape our values, beliefs, behaviours and imaginations;

they shape our world


If we want a truly thriving world for us all, then we need organisations that create health and resilience

That integrate the life-giving wisdom of nature


That behave and feel like organisms, rather than machines


We need organisations that are regenerative


What does "regenerative" mean?

Being sustainable is about acting in ways that can be sustained indefinitely, within planetary and human boundaries.


Being regenerative is about making things better than they currently are.

It is about positive impact. It is about restoring nature, helping people to thrive and offering services and products into the world that improve lives and communities.


Something that is regenerative creates conditions for the greater thriving of life


We believe that, if organisations are to be truly sustainable, they must first be regenerative.

We offer practical support for organisations with radical ambitions

Mountain Landscape

Where You Are

Drawing strongly on the insights and practices of systems theory, human rights due diligence and regenerative leadership we support organisations to map, inquire into and build an understanding of where they currently are and the systems they are in relationship with


Trowel and Soil

Setting Up for Success

Using participatory research and dialogue techniques we support organisations to engage with and learn from the diverse parts of their system, develop a shared story and identify fertile ground for introducing more regenerative practice


Growing Plants

Introducing Regenerative Practices

We help organisations to develop, implement and learn from bespoke experiments operationalising regenerative practices and to cultivate the skills of ongoing "organisational permaculture"


TealCo Limited

12 Constance Street

London, E16 2DQ

United Kingdom



"All flourishing is mutual"

Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of "Braiding Sweetgrass"

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